Using duke task manager

Duke BAPE is a task manager built specially for you to store your daily task. With export function built-in, you will be able to transfer all your task easily between machines.

Starting Up

Functions available

Functions Example
todo [task] store a new todo task
deadline [task] store a new task with deadline
event [task] store a new event task
list list all task stored
done [tasknumber] mark a task as completed
delete [tasknumber] delete task
find [keyword] find task with the keyword in the descriptions
bye exit program
reset reset and clear data directory and Tasklist.txt
help call up the functions table (TBC)


  1. Todo : Creating and storing a todo task.
    Eg: todo borrow book will create a new task with description borrow book and store in the Array of task.
    Please adhere to the spacing after todo, otherwise it will result in invalid function.

  2. deadline : Creating and storing a task with a deadline in it.
    Eg: deadline return book /by 1200 will create a new deadline task with description return book and /by will be the escaping keyword.
    Anything after \by will be part of the timing stored into the task.

  3. event : Creating and storing a task with a deadline in it.
    Eg: event career fair /at library will create a new event task with description career fair and /at will be the escaping keyword.
    Anything after \at will be part of the location stored into the task.

  4. list : Will list out all task stored in the array list.

  5. reset : This function will clear and reset the Tasklist.txt file in the /data dir. After completion, the program will exit.
    Launch the program again to start storing new task.
    Use this function when there are unknown errors to the Tasklist.txt file when using program.

  6. help : Type help to access the help table again and follow the example format given for input.

  7. (IMPT) Do not use more than one escaping datetime or location keyword in a task.
    Eg : deadline Complete CS2113 /by 2359 /by Friday
    Eg: event CFG /at /at NUS Utown
    Doing so will result in data lost. (Fixing in progress)

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